ORA-39384 Warning: User string has been locked and the password expired.
ORA-39384 - Warning: User string has been locked and the password expired.
Cause: Oracle Data Pump displayed this message while importing users because it determined that a user was created with a password version that is no longer supported. See the documentation for PASSWORD_VERSIONS in the system view DBA_USERS for more information.
Action: Connect AS SYSDBA and unlock the account and set a password for the user. This can be done by issuing an "ALTER USER username ACCOUNT UNLOCK;" command followed by an "ALTER USER username IDENTIFIED BY password;" command. See the documentation for the SQLNET.ORA parameter SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER which explains how to control which password versions will be created when the password for the user is reset.
Solution possible:
The workaround is to unlock the user and set a new value in the target database after the import execution :
ALTER USER <username IDENTIFIED BY <password>